In instances where extenuating circumstances exist and a student has successfully completed a majority of their coursework (approximately 80%), an instructor may assign a grade of incomplete as a placeholder to allow the student additional time to complete assignments.
Guidelines for issuing and resolving an incomplete:
- If additional time to complete work beyond the term is permitted, an incomplete must be issued. New or revised work may not be accepted after the term ends for a change of grade unless an incomplete is issued.
- Incompletes are granted at the sole discretion of the instructor. If a question arises regarding the student’s eligibility, please consult with the Dean of Academic Affairs, Faculty Chair, or Director for the appropriate instructional area.
- An incomplete may be initiated by the instructor or the student.
- Incomplete grade request forms must be completed and submitted to the Registrar by the instructor on or before the final grade submission deadline for the term.
- The incomplete timeframe is 30 calendar days. Instructors may issue an earlier due date for work, but they are responsible for enforcement.
- Once the incomplete timeframe expires, faculty have 5 calendar days to grade work and submit a Change of Grade Form to the Registrar. Faculty are responsible for noting and adhering to this deadline.
- In rare instances, faculty may grant an incomplete extension for students experiencing serious extenuating circumstances such as hospitalization. Documentation may be requested. An extension must be communicated to the Registrar with the revised due date