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Claremont Lincoln University

Career Resources

Career Goals

Developing a career goal is a great way to take charge of planning your career and provides a valuable tool to manage your career effectively. There are a few steps that can help determine your career goal. These include conducting a self-assessment, exploring industries and jobs, and identifying factors that are non-negotiable (e.g., geographic location, salary requirements, and health care benefits). The final step of goal setting is writing the first draft of your goal.
To prepare for this search, explore job industries by researching the type of careers that use your interests and skill set. O*Net Online and the Occupational Outlook Handbook are excellent web resources to assist you in your search. You may also want to look at job boards for your area to see what careers are currently listed.
Step 1: Self-Assessment
  • What do you do well?
  • What energizes you?
  • If you knew you could not fail, what would you do?
  • What issues do others come to you for help with?
  • What are some of your most significant accomplishments?
  • What is something you do where you lose track of time when you are doing it?
Step 2: Career Exploration
  • Does the career pay a salary that meets your needs?
  • Will you need any additional training or schooling?
  • Will it offer you opportunities to advance?
  • Is the career likely to exist when you are ready for a job?
Step 3: Determining Your Non-Negotiable Items
Although we may not speak them aloud, we each have things we are unwilling to compromise. During this step, write out your “must-haves” for your future career. 
To help get you started, consider the minimum salary you need, where you want to live, and the desired work hours.
Step 4: Pulling it all Together
Now that you have conducted a self-assessment, explored industries and occupations, and written down your non-negotiable items, what is your future career goal? As you enter your chosen field, you must return to and reflect on your original plan often, so having your plan written down is an essential step for future reflection. 

Career Related Self-Assessments

It may be beneficial to complete self-assessments to determine what career best aligns with your personality and goals. Thus you are encouraged to read the MBTI Basics, then complete the following assessments:
Once you complete one or two of the self-assessments, reflect on your scores and determine if the career of your choice aligns with your goals.
It is now also time to evaluate what you have to offer. Please note your transferable skills (skills you can take with you regardless of where you work. Examples are communication, innovation, creativity, professionalism, critical thinking... you get the picture. Review the key attributes that employers seek, as highlighted above.